Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick Changes

We recently changed out closet door knobs.  One broke and I can't get one kiddo new cool door knobs and not the other, right?  It just wouldn't be fair!  We headed over to our Hobby Lobby and they each got to choose what they wanted.  Lucky for me they were half off!
This was so easy to do!  Just had to screw them in.   And look how fun they are.  They make a big difference!
Z chose blue.  The soccer balls were out or I think he may have gone for those.
My Princess on the other hand could not be swayed once she saw these beauties.
She loves having diamond hearts.  She even gave them a little kiss.
Yes, little things make us happy!

I'm working on the playroom right now.  Taking down wallpaper and choosing paint...


Aunt Suzi Quilts said...

I love the pink hearts!! Where did you get them?

Lisa at Paint in my Hair said...

I love quick and easy updates! They look great -- I'll have to check Hobby Lobby for hardware for the dresser I'm working on.