Friday, October 7, 2011


I finally finished a project that has been a long time in waiting.  I have had this poor thing for years.  YEARS.  I only say poor thing because it has only hung on the wall for about 3 of them.
It was feeling pretty sad.
So here it is.
My Shelf.
I like it.  Even as is.
The problem I have is; where I wanted to hang it there is way to much wood the same color.  The floors, the cabinets...  just too much. 
So she had to be a different color.
But first I used some spray primer.  I didn't want anything to go wrong with this project!
Plus, priming doesn't take very long.  I like projects that move quickly!
I was already liking how it looked.  I think the white color really made the bead board show up more.
I then waited for the weather to cooperate with me and gave it a good 2 coats of my favorite, Heirloom White.
Then talked my hubby into hanging it on the wall.
But quickly realized my mistake and called his Dad.  Who, I teased could save my marriage by coming to help.  My hubby doesn't like this kind of stuff.  Plus, this shelf is big.
Here she is!  I had to throw a few things up there.  Just to show you... 

I love it!  It is so fun walking into my kitchen/dining area and seeing it there. 
I can't wait to show it to you all Halloweened up!
What do you think?  Like it white too?


Gayle said...

Melissa - I LOVE that shelf! Looks like it's at least 4 feet long! It will be so fun to decorate it for the different holidays and events!

{Kaitlyn} said...

So cute! I wish I wish i has something like it. Plus a kitchen wall long enough to put it on.

Jordy and Stephy said...

Love it! I have a shelf in my garage that looks very similar and has been waiting for years for me too! I hope I can make it as cute as yours....although mine will have to wait out the winter now;) you are so crafty....she looks great;)!

Michelle said...

So cute! Love it :)!

Elder Dimond said...

Melissa- You do such cute things around the house. This was great ideal. It looks great and you can decorate it month by month with being white.